Customer Experience Management TRaining

Elevate Your Customer Experience Management

2-Day CX Management Course

Next Course: Virtual | 30-31 July 2024
£400 + VAT

This intensive 2-day CX Management Course is designed to accelerate customer centricity as a leading business practice in any organisation.

Why book:

  • 20 Years of Expertise: Our battle-tested insights empower your success.
  • Actionable Strategies: Master the 7-step model to embed customer focus.
  • The Customer Voice: Capture and leverage feedback to fuel strategy.
  • Alignment Wins: Bridge the gap, drive results for all.
  • Real-World Application: Learn by doing – see CX principles in action.
  • Thrive Together: share challenges & celebrate wins in your dedicated training cohort.

Course Topics

  • Alignment of CX to business strategy
  • Customer-Centricity Change and Governance
  • Customer-Centric Operating Model
  • Effective VoC Programme Set Up
  • Developing a Customer Purpose
  • CX Design Thinking (incl. Customer Journey)
  • From Customer Insight to Winning Implementations
  • The Customer-Centric Mindset
  • Employee Engagement
  • CX Progress and Performance Measurement
  • Sustaining Customer-Centric Focus

Unsure if this is right for you?

Curious if this course can help you achieve your customer experience goals? Our trainers are happy to chat! Book a quick, no-obligation call to discuss your specific needs and see if this programme is the right fit for you. Alternatively, feel free to download our course outline.

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CX Management Training
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