

PlayStation recognised as it moved into multi player, cross platform capability, its customers, ‘the players’ were vocal on more than their performance in-game. They shared with their peers much more on such topics as the payment experience, responsiveness to queries and the variable experience quality across assets with the PlayStation such as Store and VR. With issues unheard and not dealt with, the rumblings spilled over onto many social media sites, leading to misinformation impacting the business. It was agreed the voice of the player needed to be understood, but PS did not know where to start.

Our Approach

With the experience of running similar assignments for several household brands, Lexden was appointed to understand the today and tomorrow VoC needs of the business. Following a round of interviews with board execs and mapping workshops with those interfacing with customers and users of insight and system designers, Lexden created a scope and specifications tender document. The specification highlighted the journeys, key insight, and quality desired. It also highlighted how important it was for the vendor to support the PS insight team, have a passion for players, be adaptable to over twenty languages and be able to inform today’s issues and tomorrow’s opportunities. We led a global search and select process, managing vendors for PS and advising throughout on the vendors suitability against the agreed criteria.


PS appointed a vendor who met their criteria. This led to PlayStation being able to close their customer insight gaps to better inform their business. Lexden completed the selection process and stepped back to allow PS to establish the VoC programme to the agreed specification.

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