Written by Michael Brandt

As a seasoned CX trainer, I’ve had the opportunity to facilitate sessions in various formats, each with its unique advantages and challenges. This guide explores the pros and cons of online, virtual, classroom, and in-house training to help you choose the best option for your organisation.

CX Training Formats – a Guide

In today’s competitive landscape, investing in customer experience (CX) training is essential for organisations seeking to thrive. With various training formats available, selecting the best option for your team can be daunting.

Each training format has its place, depending on the goals and constraints of the organisation. Understanding these nuances is critical to ensuring that each session, whether in person, virtual, or in-house, delivers real value.

In this guide, we summarise the key benefits and limitations of four popular CX training options: online, virtual, classroom, and in-house.

Online Training: The Flexible, Self-Paced Solution 

Online training offers convenience and the ability for learners to work through material at their own pace. This format is ideal for those juggling multiple responsibilities, allowing them to learn when it suits them best. 

Key Benefits: 

– Flexibility: Access content anytime, anywhere. 

– Cost-effective: Eliminate the need for travel and accommodation costs. 

– Self-paced: Learners can progress through material according to their own schedule. 


– Lack of real-time interaction: Without live engagement, learners may find it harder to stay engaged, which can reduce learning impact. 

– Potential distractions: A self-paced environment may lead to lower focus and productivity. 

– Limited networking opportunities: The absence of direct interaction reduces the chances to build meaningful relationships with peers or instructors. 

– Self-discipline required: Without set deadlines, it can be easy to fall behind without personal motivation. 
– Inability to clarify misunderstandings quickly: Who to ask if something is not clear? The inability to get immediate clarification may hinder a participant’s progress in the course or cause them to lose interest.

Virtual Training: Live Online Interaction with Flexibility 

Virtual training strikes a balance between the interactive nature of classroom learning and the convenience of online formats. It offers an excellent option for geographically dispersed teams to save on travel costs while still benefiting from real-time interaction.

As many organisations now prefer virtual sessions for their flexibility, I have faced the unique challenges of teaching online. In a virtual setting, I sometimes lack control over whether participants keep their cameras on, which means I lose that vital visual feedback.

More than once, I’ve found participants getting distracted; either multitasking or being called away to speak with their bosses during a session. These disruptions, along with the ever-present reliance on stable internet connections, can make it difficult to maintain engagement.

Despite these challenges, virtual training does offer the flexibility and reach that in-person sessions cannot, particularly for geographically dispersed teams.  

Key Benefits: 

– Real-time engagement: Participants can interact with instructors and peers, asking questions and engaging in discussions live. 

– Flexible scheduling: Learners can join sessions from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. 

– Cost-effective: Reduces travel and accommodation expenses, making it a more affordable option for many organisations. 


– Technical difficulties: Stable internet and access to the right technology are necessary, and issues here can impact the experience. 

– Networking limitations: While there is interaction, building relationships virtually can be less effective compared to in-person learning. 
-Can be challenging to maintain discipline: Participants may switch cameras off and work in parallel, possibly missing important elements of the contents. Participants in their usual work environment may become distracted by daily pressures or be called away to attend ‘urgent’ meetings.

Classroom Training: The Traditional, In-Person Experience 

Classroom training, though often seen as a more traditional option, provides a dynamic and collaborative environment that fosters deeper engagement. This format is particularly effective for hands-on learning and group activities that simulate real-life CX scenarios. 

When I’m teaching in person, the energy in the room is noticeable. There’s an immediacy to face-to-face interaction that allows spontaneous discussions to arise naturally, often diving into topics that are clearly of great interest to participants. The value of non-verbal communication is also undeniable. I can gauge how well my message is being received by observing participants’ body language, facial expressions, and general engagement. When something isn’t landing as intended, I can quickly adapt my approach in real-time. This dynamic feedback loop helps me ensure the training is as effective as possible. And this is particularly true if you are teaching a class in a language that may not be the participants’ native language.

Key Benefits: 

– Face-to-face interaction: Provides valuable opportunities for direct engagement with instructors and peers. 

– Hands-on learning: Practical exercises, simulations, and group activities can bring the learning to life, making it easier to apply the skills learned. 

– Customised content: Classroom sessions can be tailored to the specific needs and challenges of your organisation. 
– Easier for the instructor to adapt: Face-to-face with participants, it’s much easier for the instructor to judge how the contents is coming across, for example if something may not have been understood completely and further explanations are needed. 


– Higher costs: Venue hire, travel, and accommodation can make classroom training more expensive. 

– Travel requirements: Participants may need to travel, which can be time-consuming and costly. 

– Limited flexibility: Training is tied to specific times and locations, which may be challenging for some learners to accommodate. 
– Limited tolerance for sitting in from of a computer screen: Sitting in front of a computer screen and having to concentrate for extended periods of time is not easy. This issue requires organisers to ensure that there are sufficient breaks and that the course duration does not exceed individuals’ tolerance levels. 

Workshops: A Highly Interactive Classroom Experience 

Workshops elevate the traditional classroom setting by providing a more interactive and immersive learning environment. Unlike standard classroom training, which often focuses on theory, workshops emphasise hands-on learning from the start. Participants engage directly with the material through practical exercises, real-life case studies, and collaborative problem-solving activities.

This format allows learners to apply theoretical concepts immediately, making the experience more relevant and impactful. Workshops particularly benefit teams that need to tackle specific challenges or develop actionable strategies, as they foster creativity and critical thinking in a highly focused, participative setting. This approach ensures that participants leave with not just knowledge, but also the skills and confidence to implement what they have learned in their own roles. 

In-House Training: Tailored for Your Organisation 

In-house training provides a fully customised experience, delivered at your premises and designed specifically for your organisation’s unique needs and culture. This format ensures that the training aligns perfectly with your CX goals and can often lead to higher engagement from your team. 

Delivering in-house training brings its own advantages to corporations. The ability to customise sessions to focus specifically on the challenges faced by an organisation allows for a highly tailored approach.

In these cases, I can dive deep into what truly matters to the client, aligning the training content with their strategic goals. The result is often a more targeted, impactful learning experience, which resonates strongly with participants as it directly relates to their daily work challenges. 

Key Benefits: 

– Customisation: The content can be designed to address the specific challenges and opportunities within your organisation. 

– Alignment with company goals: In-house training ensures that learning directly supports your organisational strategy, fostering a stronger connection between training and practical application. 

– Increased employee engagement: Personalised training that is relevant to the participants can drive higher levels of engagement and motivation. 


– Internal resources required: Developing and delivering tailored content may require additional resources, both in terms of time and personnel. However, this can be avoided by hiring trainers with the requisite knowledge to provide the training on behalf of the organisation. 

– Limited external expertise: If you rely solely on internal trainers, you may miss out on fresh perspectives and the broader industry expertise that external trainers can bring. 

Choosing the Right Training Format 

When selecting a CX training format, it’s important to consider the following factors: 

– Learning objectives: Are you focused on knowledge transfer, skill development, or behavioural change? 

– Learner preferences: What learning styles will best suit your team’s needs? 

– Budget: How much are you willing to invest in training? 

– Time constraints: How much time can your team dedicate to training? 

– Geographic distribution: Are your team members spread across multiple locations? 

– Training goals: Are you aiming to develop general knowledge or implement specific, role-based learning? 

By evaluating these factors, you can choose the CX training format that best suits your organisation’s needs. This ensures your team gains the skills and knowledge needed to deliver exceptional customer experiences.


Choose the Right CX Training for Your Organisation 

At Lexden, we offer a wide range of training options tailored to your specific needs. Our CX training formats, ranging from online courses to fully customised in-house workshops, are designed to help your organisation thrive.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out how we can support your CX goals.